Jobseekers Profile

Find out further information and guidance on how to manage your Jobseekers Profile on

Your profile contains a collection of professional and personal details that is used to match you to job opportunities and personalised career advice – and to help you create your CV. The more information you have uploaded, the more your potential employer has to go on when recruiting for the role.

Go to Click the Jobseeker icon button (a lone figure) at the top right-hand corner of the page. Then click the ‘Jobseeker Login’ button on the right-hand side menu.

In the ‘Jobseeker Login’ section, click the ‘Forget?’ link.

Type your email address into the ‘Email address’ box.

Click the ‘Forgot Password’ button. If the e-mail address you have entered is in our database, your password will be sent to you.

You will receive an email into your mailbox. Click on the link in the email and create a new password.

Once you have created a new password please log into the website immediately to test it.

Go to

Log in as instructed above with your email or username and password.

You will be brought to the ‘My Account’ section.

Select the ‘Edit’ icon, a white pencil on a blue background, on the top right-hand corner of the ‘My Account’ section.

Make any required changes.

To save any changes, make sure you click the ‘Update Profile’ button before exiting the page.

Go to Click the Jobseeker Login icon (a lone figure) at the top right-hand corner of the page, followed by the ‘Jobseeker Login’ button in the menu on the right-hand side of the screen.

In the ‘Jobseeker Login’ section, type your email address or username in the ‘Username or Email’ box and type your password in the ‘Password’ box.

Click the ‘Log In’ button.

This will bring you the ‘My Accounts’ section.

*Note: if you are already logged in, select the Jobseeker Login icon (a lone figure), then click ‘My Account’ from the side menu.*

Then click on the ‘My Applications’ tab towards the top right-hand side of the page.

Here you can view your previous applications, the adverts, and relevant documents.